Ok so the third completely disproves the second one because there should have been 2 Dr. Brown in 1885 before Sept 7 and it's the 1985 Brown's job to stop 1885 Brown from being killed while not letting himself seen. Still, the old west, 50s, 80s and the 21st century, brilliant!
OH MY GOD看我发现了什么 是我最喜欢的美番调调 ----- 太好看了尤其最后一集 简直大片水平好吧Mike Mcmahan太棒了 Cerritos的生活简直太有趣了显得以往的星舰作品严肃又无聊就算是lower decks又怎样有一个像Mariner一样的朋友就能拯救一切无聊蜘蛛侠英雄归来在线还有Tendi一个超级可爱的乐观主义者 I love these optimistic guys